Saturday, May 31, 2014

Making Mountains Out of Molehills

This week was incredibly stressful for me, I had a major test that I studied a ridiculous amount of hours for, however when I saw the results I was so upset and I felt like I was hit by a bus. Naturally I let it get the best of me, internalized my performance, thought that I stupid, and was sad for about a day or so. However yesterday I discovered a good friend of mine is sick and may require surgery and a friend of mine just lost a loved one that was a major part of his life. Being struck by these situations make me realize that my “problem” was nothing compared to other individuals in my life. Although doing well is important to me, I was making mountains out of molehills.

Today when I woke up I felt immediate gratification for what I do have. I am so thankful for all of the blessings in my life including: a wonderful and loving family, my fur child, a loving boyfriend who literally would do anything for me, and the opportunity to live my dream and to become a nurse. Although the week has been tough I really am blessed and so THANKFUL for all of the blessings that I do have in my life. 
                                     This little girl always makes me smile! <3  

Have you ever made mountains out of molehills? If so what was the situation about?

Monday, May 26, 2014

A Letter from My Former Self to the Person Who Hurt Me The Most – A Poem

 Get ready for a first on Hidden Treasures of Life! I have a new post that is actually a poem, I have not written a poem since middle school so bear with me! I hope you enjoy it!!

A Letter from My Former Self to the Person Who Hurt Me The Most – A Poem

I used to be jealous of you, now I question why I wanted a life that was not mine to take

I used to want to be just like you, so I changed my appearance to be more like you and realized that it was not me

I used to feel the need to constantly seek your approval, I was longing for your embrace and approval however it never came

I spoke my mind and I got banished for it

Conversations went back and forth constantly saying you loved me when in actuality this statement was always a lie

It ate away for me for years however one day I woke up and realized that you were not in control of my destiny

I control who I allow into my life so I decided to let you go forever, It was hard a first however now it was the best decision I ever made

I now could care less about what is occurring in your life because it is a life that I would never choose and one that I would never want myself

Am I bitter? Of course not because you taught me an important lesson and allowed me to become the person I needed to be

Thank you for that lesson and although I am no longer involved in your life, I wish you the best



Monday, May 19, 2014

Patience is a Virtue- Featured Author

I thought it would be fun to get new voice on my blog from time to time and my friend wanted to share a blog post he wrote awhile back. He has his own blog and it is all about sports, however one post he wrote is a little more personal and he wanted to share it with me as well as you lovely readers!
 Patience is a virtue. I know that is a fact with all I have been through. There have many times I wish I can speed up the process or take a short cut to get to my goals quicker. However, I know if I cut corners, things would be temporary and in the long-run fall flat on my face. Things happen for a reason and you should just take what life gives you and make the best of the situation.

I have done that ever since high school. My goal was to go straight to USC after high school. I set my sights on that and didn't want to hear any other options. When I didn't get in, I was heartbroken. I was still determined to get in and I had to be patient. Life gave me an obstacle and I took that challenge and it was probably the best thing for me. I was able to go to community college and met awesome people and professors. It was a good stepping block for me, so once I got in to USC, I was ready. Also, saving a couple of years on loans, that kind of helps too ;)

After USC, it was a struggle finding a job. I applied to where ever and whoever and was getting no where. The only type was really internships. I was at one internship for over a year. People told me I should just let go as it was going no where. I was starting to believe in it but I stuck it out. So far, I was at all of the departments there, was taking their editing classes for free and finally got into the editing side of the company. Then one of my past supervisors said there was an opening for me and I gladly took it. Again, I was patient and let life take me along for the ride. Even though I was starting to lose hope and feel crummy, deep down inside I knew things were going to work out.

Things may take a day, a month, or a year but the things you really want do happen. For getting into my dream school and finding a job took a little over a year but I got there. I know by working hard, and being patient, things do happen. Just go at your pace and don't let outside forces take over you. Things will happen but going too quickly or cutting corners will destroy what you have been working on your entire life.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Delayed Gratification

Love is an incredibly powerful force on this earth. It has the power to bring people or even nations together to enhance the world. It seems like everyone is looking for love but what happens when you find it? At first, when you meet someone new and you really like them, you may think you are in love but in reality it is lust. During this stage you want to be with the person 24/7 and you care about the person so much that often time’s people spend every spare minute thinking and communicating with that person. You are consumed with that person and all you want is to be with them. Heck even today people decide they want to get married to that person immediately and they think that the person they “love” is the best person for them and has absolutely no flaws. This unfortunately is far from the truth, as humans we all have faults and we are NOT perfect. This all-encompassing thoughts about the person we are dating is even worse with our first love. I remember my first love, it happened when I was in high school at a mere 15 years old and we dated for a while, back then I thought he was the perfect person for me and that I was going to marry him. Looking back on this, it is incredibly funny, how would I know who was right for me at 15 years old! I was a child and at the time and had no idea who I was. Even today as young adults a lot of people do not know who they are yet they are still getting married because it is the next “step” so to speak in their life. By no means do I mean any disrespect to people who get married young as that is their decision, however I personally feel you should get to know someone for a couple YEARS before you make that plunge. Ultimately it comes down to really getting to know that person on a deep level and delayed gratification.   

 A lot of individuals say marriage is a lot of work and I completely agree, however relationships are just as much work as marriages. Sure you are not trying to pay double bills or raising kids however they still require work. I think the problem is so many of us are trained from Disney movies that we will “meet our prince and live happily ever after”. What they fail to show is what happens after the marriage or after the courtship.

I wish that our society looked at dating much like it occurred during our parents time where a man courted a girl and they went on dates for a while, after a certain length of time which lasted from about 6-9 months the guy asked the girl if she would like to go steady and they then were a couple. Instead today, we meet someone and within one date we define the relationship and automatically become a boyfriend or girlfriend. What happened to really getting to know that person? What happened to growing yourself? What happened to delayed gratification? I honestly belief that we should try to get back to something remotely like this. If we don’t jump into relationships then we are less likely to get our hearts broken, more likely to legitimately get to know that person and discover if they are truly the right person for us. Ultimately it comes down to delaying our gratification in order to truly get to know ourselves and another human being.  

Friday, May 16, 2014

Heal The Sick- Why I Chose and Love the Nursing Profession

I cannot believe only a mere 9 months ago I began my journey to becoming a nurse. I am currently in my third semester and by far it is the hardest yet due to two days of four hour lectures, one day of 2 hour labs, and two days of 12 hours clinical. By the time it is Friday I am incredibly exhausted, but is it worth it? You bet! I was reflecting back on why I wanted to be a nurse and the bottom line was in order to help people and aid in their healing. I want to be that friendly face that is a joy for the patients’ to see, I want to help them in anything they need. Nursing is not just a science it also is an art, this is stressed so much in my school but it is so much than that, nursing is a calling and it truly is so beautiful.

Nurses do so many things and there are a variety of different kinds of nurses, I strive to be one that connects in a deep manner to my patients. I have done a variety of things in the past 9 months however each thing is still amazing no matter what it is. I have done stuff like started an IV passed meds, and given a shot however what really matters most to me is when I am really making a connection with my patients. Things a simple as changing an incontinent patient means a lot to me because I am making that connection.  Countless times I have been told that I was loved or I was an angel for doing this simple task because I showed that I really cared about the patient and cleaning them was not an inconvenience at all. I have seen death unfortunately, and soon I will be able to see the miracle of life as I transition to OB clinical in a couple weeks. These simple connections truly makes a difference and helps to feed my soul. I can only wonder  what the future will bring however I know if I continue with my current attitude I will only continue to grow. It took me awhile to get to this place, however now that I am here I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for me.

Friday, May 9, 2014

If G-d is Love Then Why Can’t We Love One Another?

                There are a variety of religions around the world and I have only been exposed to a few of them in my life however from what I have encountered so far all of them stress to love G-d and to be the best person that you can be by doing the right things in life.  My question then is if we love G-d with all of our hearts why can’t we love one another? Although each person may not observe the same religion as you, can’t we still accept one another and embrace each other’s differences? Instead of this occurring, feuds are started about who is right, who is just, and who is observing the “true” religion. This is not a new concept as this has been observed throughout history with religious wars. This was a time where people were killing one another in defense of their own beliefs. How can this be okay? Even today this continues on and not only physical killing but also spiritual killing occur as well.  Imagine the following scenario, you have believed in one thing your whole life and someone comes along and says that your beliefs are false and the G-d you love with all your heart is not the true G-d, and if you do not belief in their G-d then you are going to go to hell. This can spiritually kill a person because their beliefs are challenged and their whole being is challenged. Instead of doing this and hurting one another can’t we just accept that person as they are?

My next question that comes to mind is, are we really living a just life because it is the right thing to do or are we only doing it for the sole purpose of getting into heaven? I hope that people are doing so because it is the right thing to do and not the latter reason. Personally for me, my religion does not stress the afterlife, instead it does focus on our life on this earth and how we can be the best we can be by following G-d’s commandments and by performing mitzvot. I can only dream of a world where we truly accept one another and TRULY love each other no matter what differences are present. No matter what religion we are the bottom line is we are all human beings and we all deserve love and acceptance from one another.  

Monday, May 5, 2014

Dump Toxic People In Your Life

Have you ever had a “friend” who you always wanted to be like? Perhaps you actually used to be friends in the past however through different paths of life you grew apart. Your friendship was so important to you in the past that you would do whatever you could to preserve the friendship. In fact, what if you were so desperate to keep the friendship that you became a completely different person to try to get the attention or approval of this friend?  I am sure every one of us has had this experience and after an exhausting period of time you may have realized that these people do not care about you as much as you thought they did because they have moved on in their lives. These people are toxic to you because they only bring you down. Why would you want to deal with toxic people?

 If you chose to continue to try to seek approval from these people you will only hurt yourself. Feeding into these toxic people is like falling into a vat of quicksand. The faster you thrust around and struggle to become exactly like they want you to be the faster you sink. This is never a way that you want to live, living like this creates a trap where you are reliant on thse people to verify your own personal approval of your existence. Instead of being thrust into the quicksand stop, and look for a vine that goes over the quick sand as soon as you are on the other side cut the vine, you don't need these toxic people following you in your life. This  may seem harsh however once you cut toxic individuals out of your life you will be able to take care of yourself without relying on these toxic people to fill your own being.

I personally have struggled with this concept for years because in the past I have defined my worth based upon what others thought about me however this is not a way to live because I control my perception of myself and only I can define my life. I no longer allow toxic people to control my destiny. Would I ever let these individuals back into my life? Absolutely not because they do nothing to me that helps me enhance my positive growth to become all that I am meant to be. Do I have a grudge against these toxic people? Absolutely not because although I struggled with their approval for years they have taught me a valuable life lesson and I am thankful for it.

I advise if you have any toxic people in your life to cut them out just like I have cut the toxic people out of my life. It will only help you for the better and help you to become an even greater version than you already are!  

A song that explains exactly how I feel about my situation is “Catch My Breath” by Kelly Clarkson and her music video is below. I am so much better with the absence of the toxic people in my life. Have you gotten rid of your toxic individuals yet?


Sunday, May 4, 2014

A Dream

I had a dream and you were there, you were healthy and happy and were incredibly happy to see me. I was amazed to see you because I thought I lost you forever. You walked like nothing was wrong with your legs and you had your amazingly contagious smile when you looked at me. You ran so fast from the downstairs kitchen table to my room and you were so happy, I could barely keep up with you. I kept on thinking that you were not real because you were not the same as I remembered you. I wanted to spend as much time possible as I could with you because I had no idea how long the joy of being with you would last. Then I woke up and you were gone, I was sad and downtrodden because you were no longer there with me and reality set in, I really have lost you however I hope that we can really be reunited again one day. Losing you was sudden and unexpected and I miss you every day, it has only been 8 month and it feels like we have been separated for years. I love you more than words can say and I hope you are having an amazing time playing with Shadow on Rainbow Bridge. I love you now and forever, always you will be in my heart my lovely baby Whitney. <3  

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Nip Bad Memories in the Butt

How many of you can remember something from your past that was completely negative? I am sure anyone who is reading this has because we are all human and if someone has never experienced hurt, betrayal, or a broken heart then that is great however it is not realistic. In life we always have a variety of things that are going on and unfortunately the negative memories that we tend to focus on. I was pondering on this recently and I was wondering why this was the case. In my own life personally I have had a variety of things happen to me both positive and negative however all my life I have really vividly remembered the bad memories, detail for detail, such as the month, date, and time of day that the event occurred. I try to think about positive things however the details are not as vivid in my mind, I only have general thoughts of how these positive memories occurred. I believe that this is the case because when something bad happens to us, it hits us in our core and deeply effects our being and who we are.

I think this is absurd and I would rather remember all of the positive memories as opposed to negative ones and that is why I want to nip bad memories in the butt. I am in no way saying that bad memories should never be experienced and repressed because sometimes a great life lesson is learned from a bad memory. Simply if you have a bad memory try not to feed into it and try to remember the joyful memories in your life. Think about moments of joy, love, faith, or accomplishments and the joy that comes with these memories. I would much rather remember the joy of a baby’s birth, the enormous amount of love two people share at a wedding, a thankful prayer to G-d for all of the blessings in life, and the graduation of someone from school or (cough cough) nursing school! Each and every one of these memories are much better than negative ones and by trying to focus the positives of life you will feel so much better.

Imperfectly Perfect- A Love Story

           Once upon a time, well about 10 years ago to be exact a lonely girl was searching for something or someone to connect to. She di...