Saturday, July 26, 2014

Searching for Strength

I have not blogged as much as I have in the past, partly because I have been busy studying for my classes and because I have been running to and from clinical two days a week. Another reason is I have is I have been having writers block and I was not inspired to write anything. If I am not inspired by a topic then writing is not going to happen, and if I try to write the blog post will be subpar. This week has been strange, it has been full of ups and downs and honestly I feel like I am on a roller coaster ride full of inclines that drop immediately after I reach the top. The week has been extremely strange and some days have felt like a dream. Although there have been many lows and highs I am looking at the lows as a challenge.

Life is not always going to be easy and perhaps this week is a test of my faith. Yesterday was particularly tough, just like every Friday I went to Shabbat. During the service we have an opportunity to read the text or use the prayers of our own heart. I took this opportunity to thank G-d for all that I do have but also to ask for the strength to get through this strange time. Throughout this time and the whole service I felt a sense of peace that everything was going to be okay and ultimately I just needed to have faith.

I think the events of the world are getting to me as well, I just wish that everyone could get along, if we take away the social constructions of gender roles, differences in religions, and perceptions of ethnicities at the root of everything we are all human beings and we all deserve peace and love in the world. I wish world peace was possible and I pray that one day we can achieve it.

Through everything that has happened this week I still have faith that everything will work out and I just need to take this challenging time one day at a time and continuously think of all the blessings I do have in my life.     
Have you ever had a challenging time in your life? If so how did you overcome it?

Imperfectly Perfect- A Love Story

           Once upon a time, well about 10 years ago to be exact a lonely girl was searching for something or someone to connect to. She di...