Monday, July 7, 2014

Technological Transition or Nightmare?

In the past five/ten years there has been so much advancing technology that it is hard to remember all of the new gadgets and gizmos. There have been countless new products that have helped us as consumers. Don’t get me wrong I love the opportunity to meet wonderful women through the blogging community and the ability to talk to relatives on the other side of our country, however we often fail to see how technology is consuming our lives. This is a passionate topic that I have because technology is everywhere and our personal interactions are diminishing. I remember playing as a kid, I ran outside, rode my bike, and played with Legos and Hot Wheels. My mind was my playground. Nowadays kids are glued to IPads, IPhones, or other technological devices, and kids as young as 6 years of age have cell phones!! As a kid with no cell phones in existence, when it was time to go home the staff of the afterschool day care called my name over the loudspeaker and that indicated that it was time for me to go home and I then proceeded to my car.

Technology is great but it is sad to see the diminishing personal interactions in our society. Even times when I am out to dinner I try not to use my phone but if I do I quickly check something which normally gives an unconscious que for my friends to check their phones. This create a situation where the group ends up sitting at the table interacting with our phones instead of each other. I really don’t like that so we make a rule to try to reduce technology time while together in order to just focus on each member of the group.

Technology is everywhere now such as banks, grocery stores, gas stations, and even libraries. All of these places have convenient methods of obtaining money, groceries, gas and books. This raises many questions in my mind however such as: Where are the people? Where are our interactions with others? Personally I like interacting with others as opposed to machines. I can only wonder how the future will be with my kids. Will they grow up in a society where interacting with technology is the norm? I hope not but you never know what the future might hold!

What do you think of the increasing technology in our society? Do you like personal interactions or virtual interactions? 


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