Saturday, March 31, 2018

How do you Become the Person you've Forgotten you Ever Were?

How do you become the person you’ve forgotten you ever were?

This is a line from the Broadway play Anastasia and recently resonated with me. As an artistic person at nature, I find a lot of inspiration from art, nature, and plays including musicals so naturally this line struck a cord in me. As children we are fun, optimistic, and the world is our playground, however that fun and optimism begins to fade away we realize that we cannot simply glide through life with no worries at all. As we grow we have constant growing responsibilities which continue to grow in complexity as we age. Things that we thought were a big deal as children or even as teenagers do not seem to be a problem in adulthood and we do not even bat an eye at them. Yet as we age these responsibilities mean a lot more and our very livelihood can become compromised if we do not meet these demands. Mortgages, bills, insurances, living expenses, and providing for children and your family can often become the driving forces behind the work that you do. In addition to this social media creates a world which allows individual to compare themselves to others and this can lead to depression and feelings of failure at the own accomplishments you have made.

How them do we disconnect from this and attempt to be like that carefree child we once were? I am currently working on this, however find myself struggling at times. I would like to get back to that child who was constantly happy and extremely carefree, in fact my uncle called me Sonny because I was always smiling and found the beauty in everyday. I would have fun at softball tournaments and always was playing and pretending very often playing make believe at these tournaments with my brother. The softball tournaments became a different world and we would save the world from monsters or compete to see who could run faster to the snack bar. When I was a child at school  I foolishly buried a leaf at my elementary school  with my best friend with the hopes that I would dig it up years later and would find “my leaf” as part of my very own time capsule. While all of these things are slightly silly it was who I was and I would like to get back to that happy and carefree child I once was. As adults it is hard to be carefree with all of our responsibilities. However, we should make an effort to become more carefree in our lives in some form or another. Don’t get me wrong as as extremely hard working person I am not going to throw my responsibilities to the side, however I am going to try to find at least one thing in my daily life I can do which brings me joy and allows me to be like that carefree child I once was.

Have you lost the person you once were? If so I would like to hear from you and would love to hear your experiences about what you did and/or how you plan to overcome it.

Imperfectly Perfect- A Love Story

           Once upon a time, well about 10 years ago to be exact a lonely girl was searching for something or someone to connect to. She di...