Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Lazy Days of Summer Have Faded Away

Do you remember when you were a kid and summer came? It was perfect, days free of responsibility and full of swimming, treats from the ice cream truck and days of nonstop fun. Summer is coming soon and instead of carefree fun I will be working towards my nursing degree. In no way am I complaining because I want to enhance my studies, go further my education, and get one step closer to taking the NCLEX but I can’t help but yearn for those lazy summer days. So many wonderful things have occurred in summers past.  It is crazy how fast the years pass us by, I remember being a kid and I wanted nothing more but to grow up, here I am and now I miss so many things about being a kid. In no means would I like to go back but I wish I knew how important it was to cherish the memories of summer and realize how lucky I really was. The great thing is I have so many wonderful memories I can cherish now as an adult.

             Do you ever think about summers past? If so what is your favorite memory?   


  1. Summer is when the greatest memories are made, I agree!

    1. Summer really is the best, it is one of my favorite seasons! There is nothing like a nice picnic on a summer evening with a nice cool breeze! So perfect!

  2. Ugh, I wish it was still that way! Some of my best memories are summer memories - traveling to foreign countries, staying up way too late. Summer is still my favorite season though and I try to keep it fun and lively! We're already making plans for next summer too!

    1. Summer was always full of adventures for me such a camp, birthdays, swimming, and fun days at the park! I wish it was still that way, now I try to plan at least one mini vacation in the summer to have a brief getaway to the old times. :)

  3. I was just thinking about this the other day! Summer used to be a time of rest between school years. Now it just gets busier. I work year-round and yet I have weddings to go to holidays to celebrate, cookouts and vacations to plan. Things have definitely changed!

    1. I completely agree! Year round work must be tough, I am currently in a year round nursing program and I am always thinking back to the old days when summer was three months!! It is so great that we have the little things such as the weddings, cookouts and vacations to help us in the crazy times!


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