Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday’s Favorite F Word- Father

                In every girls life there lives a superhero whom she adores, this superhero is strong, handsome, and able to do anything. Who is this superhero you ask? Well, it is the little girl’s father. A father plays such an influential part of our lives. Some of my best memories were spent with my father. Our fathers are our first “love” and we absolutely adore doing things with them no matter how small they are. I can remember things I used to do as a kid that I loved to do with my father such as learning how to ride a bike, learning how to swim, being taken to ballet classes, going to Girls Scouts and having him help with art projects. There is really nothing that I did not do with my father.

As we all grow up we tend to take on the characteristics of our parents, for some people it can be a combination of the two for me however, I feel that my personality is so much more like my father and we share that bond together. He has given me so much more than I could have ever imagined and he has worked hard his whole life to help provide for me and to make me into the woman that I am today. He is truly an inspiration to me and I am so lucky to have a father who is as kind, thoughtful, and genuine as he is. I have been given such a great example of what father should be in my own life that I know the type of father I want my future husband to be to my kids when I am at that point in my life.

Another things that my father and I have in common is music, we both love listening and using it to get away express our emotions, one song that really speaks to my own father/daughter relationship is “Fathers and Daughters” by Kristin Chenoweth. This song is so beautiful that it brings me tears of joy each time I listen to it. It is in running for my father daughter dance when I get married in the future! Fathers truly are remarkable!

What are some of your favorite memories with your father? I would love to hear from you! Feel free to join the link up below to talk about your own father! I am so excited to be the co-host of Lauren’s Friday’s Favorite F word series! I know this week will be excellent and I am so excited to learn about all of the wonderful fathers out there.  

The Best F Words


  1. I love this!! :) I'm so glad that you're participating in Lauren's awesome link-up! :)

  2. Aww. Im so glad that there are some great men out there who are wonderful fathers. :) Its rewarding when that happens. Its a good reminder for girls like me, who never knew their father, that may son will never have to know that pain. :)


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