Tuesday, June 10, 2014

My Own Worst Enemy

How many of you beat yourself up when something does not go your way in life? This self-betrayal could be anything from saying you are not skinny enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough and the list goes on. I am guilty of this self-betrayal, and with my perfectionist traits, I feel like I am my own worst enemy at times. During times that I am feeling really low, I tend to internalize things and define my worth based upon what is going on in my life whether it be grades in school or the lives of others. Peers all around me are getting married and having babies while I am constantly stressed in nursing school and constantly fighting to stay above water. The fact of the matter is though everyone is on a different life path and this is where I am on mine. The question I still have is why do I internalize events and define my worth on them? It is because I tend to be my own worst enemy.

The next question that comes to my mind is why I even do this. Without being selfish and self-centered we should be our own cheerleaders and cheer ourselves on as opposed to beating ourselves down, the reality however is a lot of people do tend to tear themselves down instead of building themselves up. In the world we live in today, more people unfortunately will try to beat you down so why would we want to do it to ourselves?  

Do you tend to build yourself up, or beat yourself up when something does not go like you wanted it to?

I absolutely adore Idina Menzel and her song, “My Own Worst Enemy” really speaks to me and actually inspired this post. Enjoy her beautiful voice below!



  1. I love that Idina Menzel song, I'd never thought about it that way for some reason though!

    1. The song is one of my favorite ones! How did you interpret the song? :)

  2. So true. It reminds me of the question of why we compare ourselves to others who walk a completely different path than we do. We know not of the path they walk and they know not of the path we walk. Our path is beautiful, no matter how dark and lonely it may feel. I feel that we seek that outside source of encouragement because of a) self-esteem b) social norms that we're programmed into c) other factors that were constantly exposed that sway our minds into believing we somehow are less than or not good enough by a culturally accepted standard. Anywho. Im ranting. Great blog as always!!!

    1. Thanks Danielle! I completely agree with you there are so many external factors that cause us to feel we are not good enough but like you said we have to realize our path is beautiful. <3


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