Friday, January 31, 2014


Do you always feel the need to be perfect in your life? The need to succeed and be the best at everything you set your mind to? I know I have had this trait for a long time in my life, however recently I realized that this need to be perfect is actually negating my wellbeing. Perfection can be thought of like a social construct, it is understood by a variety of people however very rarely is it achieve by these people. We are all human and therefore we can never be completely perfect, from time to time we will make mistakes however that means that we are trying and therefore living our lives.

Although I am a natural performer when it come to the theater arts, I am ABSOLUTELY TERRIFED to sing in front of others if it is not a character in a play. My need to be perfect always prevents me from sharing my voice with others because whenever I record something I sang I can immediately hear the sharp notes and flat notes of certain parts of songs. I shudder and delete the song immediately. I am trying to stop this behavior however because I will never sing a song that is perfect in every way with every note. I have never formally been trained in singing (unless you count all my elementary school years haha ) and I am not a recording artist where I can stop the song and rerecord a specific element I messed up on. This made me realize that it is okay to mess up and it is a part of being human.

Also you do not have to like the song and if you don’t keep your opinions to yourself, I only allow positivity into my life. Enjoy and have a blessed day!

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