Friday, January 31, 2014


Do you always feel the need to be perfect in your life? The need to succeed and be the best at everything you set your mind to? I know I have had this trait for a long time in my life, however recently I realized that this need to be perfect is actually negating my wellbeing. Perfection can be thought of like a social construct, it is understood by a variety of people however very rarely is it achieve by these people. We are all human and therefore we can never be completely perfect, from time to time we will make mistakes however that means that we are trying and therefore living our lives.

Although I am a natural performer when it come to the theater arts, I am ABSOLUTELY TERRIFED to sing in front of others if it is not a character in a play. My need to be perfect always prevents me from sharing my voice with others because whenever I record something I sang I can immediately hear the sharp notes and flat notes of certain parts of songs. I shudder and delete the song immediately. I am trying to stop this behavior however because I will never sing a song that is perfect in every way with every note. I have never formally been trained in singing (unless you count all my elementary school years haha ) and I am not a recording artist where I can stop the song and rerecord a specific element I messed up on. This made me realize that it is okay to mess up and it is a part of being human.

Also you do not have to like the song and if you don’t keep your opinions to yourself, I only allow positivity into my life. Enjoy and have a blessed day!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Look for the “Positives” of Life

How many people always focus on the negatives in life rather than looking at positive elements? I know I am a culprit from time to time however as an unwritten resolution for 2014 I am trying to look at the positive elements in my life. For one, positivity this will allow a person to achieve a greater level of happiness in their day to day life. Additionally who wants to be a sad sack all of the time?  This morning I woke up and discovered that something I was planning on for a couple of weeks was switched around so that I had to change around my plans. Well the old me would have become really upset and sad for a little while. Did I do that? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Instead I dealt with my initial upset and then decided that I was going to see what I could do about it. After much thought I realized that this switch may actually benefit me and I decided to move on with the day.

                As one final hurrah before the start of the spring semester, my sister and I had lunch plans so we went to my favorite Thai place and we had a nice relaxing lunch. After that I wanted to show her the local trendy thrift shop and we decided to split up and find lots of cute clothes. In the store I immediately began finding lots of great deals on name brand clothes and accessories such as Nick and Mo, Forever 21, Nordstrom brands, as well as Coach.  To my surprise all of the items I was finding were ½ off the ticketed price which meant I would really save a lot of money! I basically got my items for $5 and under! This is AMAZING and I attribute it to my positive look on the situation and the day. Who knows if I would be open to shopping if I continued being upset about the situation that I previously experienced earlier in the day.  
I would really like to challenge you to try to see the positives in your daily life as you really will see that it pays off in the long run.  Remember smile each day and try to bring a little bit of sunshine to the people around you it really will pay off!   

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Be Who YOU Want to Be

What do you want to accomplish in your life? Perhaps you have had a dream since you were little. Or you could have changed your mind multiple times much like I did. If I think back to my childhood animals were always a fond part of my life and I always had at least one pet. Therefore I thought I wanted to be a veterinarian during my elementary school years. Time went by and middle school came along and by this time I fell in love with the theater, I performed in plays and skits during my middle school years and right along in to my high school years.  However by this time I was on a mission to get done with school as fast as I could. I was taking college night classes after my high school classes and it turned out that the classes I was taking was paving my way toward a psychology degree. Did I want to be a psychologist not particularly but I thought “hey why not I already have all of these classes so let’s go with it” Fast forward to 2011 and BOOM I am a college graduate and I thought to myself what do I do now?

I am not going to lie this time was particularly hard for me because I had no idea what to do. My whole life at that point was defined upon the amount of time it took me to complete college. I graduated community college in 1 yr and UCLA a year and a half early. Although I accomplished this I really had no idea what to do next and the successful feeling I thought I was going to have was extremely short lived. During this time I thought back to my roots and thought about my love of helping people. I get a great sense of accomplishment and joy in my heart when I help another human being no matter how small the task is. Nursing was always a thought in the back of my mind but I thought it would be too hard for me. Although I was still scared I decided that I would give it a shot. As I mentioned before this time was extremely hard for me because I did not know who I was and where I was going in my life. Although I was an accelerated college graduate I didn’t really feel that accomplished.

 Looking back my mistake at this time was looking to others and comparing my current life status to theirs. Things that were extremely trivial were hard to deal with such as others getting engaged, moving in together or things that establish your independent status in life. It is extremely laughable now considering I was pretty much 20 at the time! Barely out of my teenage years yet I wanted to have a “adult life”. 

I was constantly thinking where am I going? Who am I? I knew at this time I was committed to my nursing prerequisites however this is all basic sciences and is just “good to know” background knowledge therefore I was not extremely happy with this waiting period. I wanted direction in my life but I proceeded with my prerequisites for a long year and a half. During this time although I was obtaining A’s in all of my classes I was constantly competing for the “better grade” with my peers. I always got A’s but I wanted to get a “better” A than my peers. I guess I was programmed to do this while I was at UCLA as you are fighting for your grades so I always wanted to go the best in the class.
Perhaps the time that I truly started to find myself was when I was accepted into my graduate school and was done with my prerequisites.  This was the beginning of the time I really found myself. I had just gotten into my first choice school and at the time I did not have any additional classes to take. My life was finally back on a “future” track where I knew I was going.  Fast forward to August of 2013 and I started nursing school, I was so excited yet nervous at the same time. I have always have had a hard time making new friends so I was worried about this however little did I know I did not need to worry about this at all. 

In my nursing program I can honestly say I have found the most honest, genuine, and kind people I have ever met. Each and every person is special to me and I love seeing my classmates day in and day out. We really are a family and I know we can get through this program with the help of each other. I am so happy and blessed.

The long drawn out message of this post it to not worry about impressing others and to just be yourself. During emerging adulthood I have discovered that we love to compare ourselves to others and often times we feel bad about ourselves if we have not accomplished a set amount of life goals that others have. DON’T DO THIS it will only bring you unnecessary anger and hurt that you are not at the “point” you want to be in your  life, instead embrace your success and what you have achieved in your life. Be who YOU want to be. It may take longer than you expect, however if you stick to it you can achieve all that you want to be.           

Imperfectly Perfect- A Love Story

           Once upon a time, well about 10 years ago to be exact a lonely girl was searching for something or someone to connect to. She di...