Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Positivity and the Universe

There has been so much going on since my last post! I have been finishing up the spring season of soccer and will be starting the summer session soon. It is crazy to think that I have been coaching for almost two years!! I know that come August I will find it very bittersweet to stop coaching and begin nursing school to advance my career. I have been coaching for so long and to most of the kids I am a superhero! I hope that I can make some of those positive connections to children as well as adults I will be working with as a nurse in the near future. Besides working a whole lot I also recently found out that my apartment unit has been confirmed for my August move in date!! Woo hoo!!!! I am so excited to move in come August and officially meet my roommate. She seems like an awesome person so I am so excited about that. PLUS our apartment number happens to include one of my favorite numbers which makes it even better. 

I would like to write a post about keeping a positive attitude and exemplifying this positivity to the universe to help obtain what you want. There have been so many instances in this past couple years when this has been proven true over and over. For example about two years ago I really wanted to start playing soccer again. I put that thought into the universe and about a week later I saw an ad for a company that was hiring to coach youth soccer! I was thrilled, applied, and have been working for the company for almost two years and absolutely love it. More recently I really wanted to find out what apartment I was going to be living in the next year. About a day ago I put the thought into the universe and received the news of my apartment today! I have many other examples where this is true as well.  

If you want something all you have to do is keep a positive attitude and put your thoughts out into the universe. It may not come immediately however with a positive attitude you can achieve or obtain whatever you want. Every time I have done the opposite I have not gotten what I had set out to achieve. 

Perhaps the most influential time positivity into the universe has helped me was when I found out that I was accepted into Western University of Health Sciences. If you would have talked to me about this graduate school a year ago I would have no idea what you were talking about. I recently found out about this gem of a school about mid-August of last year when I was in the process of applying to all sort of graduate schools for nursing. I was set on CSUF, UCLA, or University of Rochester however I was exploring other universities as well. While I was searching I happened to see Western U and grew curious about it. I noticed that Western had an upcoming preview day so I signed up to see what the school was all about. I attended the preview day and as the day progressed I felt a stronger and stronger desire that this was THE school for me. In a nursing MSN-E workshop I discovered that each year a select few applicants that stand out above the rest are chosen to be early entry students. The minute I heard about that I set out to be one of those exemplary applicants. I immediately went home and wrote my personal statement. I already had great grades and just needed to complete some additional hours at the hospital I was volunteering at. I submitted my application and waited for about 3 months. On paper three months seems like a short time however it seemed like an eternity! In mid-January I received an email and my heart dropped when I read the subject line, "Early Acceptance Opportunity Day". My heart was beating so fast from excitement that I had to read the email about 5 times before it sank in. I was chosen to come to an early acceptance day in lieu of a formal interview. I was so thrilled that I immediately responded that I would attend. 

The day came and I was extremely nervous so I got to the school about an hour early and just waited in my car. While I was waiting I actually received a call from the University of Rochester informing me that I had been accepted into the Rochester nursing program that was about to begin in May. I was thrilled with this good news however I really still wanted to attend Western. I finally walked into the building and only saw a couple other name tags on the check in table and proceeded upstairs to the conference room we were meeting. We had a delicious complimentary breakfast and started the day. After introductions we found out the school chose 7 applicants to attend this event out of a total of 566 that applied. This statement absolutely thrilled me and we proceeded with the day.  Again just like preview day I fell even more in love with the school the more I learned about it. I left the early entry day and waited for what seemed like an eternity when in reality it was probably 3 weeks. 

The day I was accepted I opened my emails expecting nothing and there it was an email with the subject line, “MSNE ACCEPT.” I opened the email to confirm that I was accepted and I screamed so loud and kept on jumping up and down. The feeling of euphoria lasted about a day or two and it was by far the best feeling I have ever experienced. This story clearly shows that if you put out your desires into the universe and maintain a positive attitude you will be able to achieve what you want. I am so excited to begin this journey in about two months!!

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