Friday, May 13, 2016

Disconnect to Connect

Technology has come a long way in such a short time, it is to the point where technology literally rules our lives on a daily basis. Technology is present when completing homework for school, using a computer on the job, or as a means for paying for things literally at any store.  It is seldom that a day does not go by where some form of technology is used. Growing up I remember a time where technology did not completely rule daily life and during this time, my imagination was my playground. As a kid I would play make believe outside, would get lost in a new world while reading a book, or would have fun attempting to solve a jigsaw puzzle or would build my own Lego city. Times sure have changed, and nowadays kids are glued to some form of technology and this often becomes a kids “go to” form of fun. While there are still kids who play on the playground and have fun “the old fashion way” more often than not kids are glued to technology. Kids are not the only culprits however; it seems like everyone is vulnerable. I have seen parents at the park on their phones instead of watching their kids, two individuals on a date who are both on their phones as opposed to talking to one another, and see on a daily basis individuals documenting their lives through some form of social media. Call me old school but I don’t think this is really necessary to document everyday occurrences or share every aspect of life with the world. I certainty have shared things in the past, however I do so pretty seldom.

A couple of weeks ago I left the house and forgot my phone and decided to leave it because in reality I did not need it. The day was extremely beautiful and instead of taking a picture to remember the moment in the future I was able to cherish the moment and appreciate the moment for what it was. This unfortunately is no longer occurring and we turn to social media to remember practically anything. Our lives are defined by how many followers or “friends” we have, or are defined by how many likes we get. The more friends or likes that are obtained on social media often define how a person feels about themselves however this does not need to be the case.  While technology and social media were intended to connect individuals, it has been increasingly disconnecting us. Individuals never talk anymore, instead they rely on text messages or a computer to communicate which can often cause confusion in how to interpret a message. Individuals do not savor a moment, instead as I mentioned previously they immediately post it on some form of social media.  Call me crazy but I think this needs to stop, in no way am I advocating for eliminating technology and social media, I think that we need to reduce the amount of time that time that is spent on or with technology. Call it a technology detox but try to eliminate technology from daily life in increments such as 30 minutes at a time daily to use this time to connect to others. A technology detox will help individuals to appreciate the small things that often get ignored and taken for granted on a daily basis. While I am very grateful for technology and all that it can do, I do believe that we are too reliant on it therefore in order for us to better connect with one another we must first disconnect.         

Imperfectly Perfect- A Love Story

           Once upon a time, well about 10 years ago to be exact a lonely girl was searching for something or someone to connect to. She di...